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Kyle McCarthy

Family Travel Forum
Co-Founder and Editor
Kyle McCarthy is the co-founder and editor of Family Travel Forum, an independent media network that has served all who “Have Kids, Still Travel” since 1996.Her community’s award-winning sites and forums provide expert and user-generated reviews of global family vacations ranging from multi-generational cruises to theme parks, flop n’ drop tropical resorts to eco-adventures, city breaks and more. Her staff and partner experts at FamilyTravelConsulting.com consult to the travel trade on reaching the family market, improving services and staying ahead of the curve to better meet the changing family’s changing needs.Other FTF ventures include annual scholarships for young writers; the blog and e-newsletter The Family Vacationist; and the guidebooks: “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Best Family Destinations” (Penguin, 2011) and “Amazing Places to Take Your Kids” (PPI, 2007).  FTF is a co-host of the TMS Family Travel Conference and Summit, and producer of MyFamilyTravels.com, a social travel planning community.